Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Point of Departure

Alright, I've decided to try this "blog" thing out. Partly due to pressure from my field of academia, partly because we all know I am never short of words and my poor roommate Gina is probably constantly thinking "shut your pie hole already" (but is too polite to say so). Gina is in culinary school and bakes many delectable pies that she so generously lets me eat, so in this case the old adage is quite accurate.

I can't guarantee any brilliant revelations, poignant commentaries, or even so much as a rational thought will be a product of this new venture. All I can promise is that it will reveal the thoughts and observations of my mind's eye (scared yet?) as I scour this earth for meaning and purpose. I shall write about things I find curious, amusing, irksome, mysterious, inspiring... and a whole host of other adjectives.

Saddle up, partner!


  1. love it. the fun thing about this blog and your THREE postings so far is-- that's exactly how you speak. i can almost hear the words coming out of your mouth. good stuff. definitely gonna keep tabs on your blog...i miss lisa insights...and random random thoughts ;)

  2. p.s. this "jennifer" leaving a comment is the one and only j. crane-- i know, confusing huh
