Where'd all the good people go?
I've been changing channels
I don't see them on the TV shows.
-Jack Johnson
Well Jackie boy, I guess some of them are here in Boston. A few nights ago I was walking down Boylston St. (Fenway side... a fairly busy street in terms of foot traffic). I had just bought a bottle of cabernet from the liquor store for Gina because I drank all her cooking wine while she was home for Thanksgiving weekend. But I digress. Shortly after I exited the liquor store, an elderly woman in front of me who was dragging one of those wire-metal grocery totes completely ate shit. I mean, I have never seen someone fall like this on a flat surface. She somehow tripped and launched forward in projectile-like fashion straight onto the concrete like a torpedo. This poor old woman flew a good 4 feet, no exaggeration. She didn't even put her arms out to cushion her fall (I've never understood how people can fall and NOT catch themselves with their arms...). This poor old lady was writhing in pain on the sidewalk so of course I hastily ran over to her to see if she was alright. During the amount of time it took me to catch up with her (and I'm pretty fast if I do say so myself), 4 other people had raced over to come to her rescue as well! It was like a magnet picking up shards of iron when you ran it through the dirt in your youth (was I the only one who enjoyed that? This is what kids did before the Internet). Suffice it to say my services were not needed other than my picking up the poor lady's groceries and standing her wire-cart upright.
As I continued down the street with my cabernet in hand, I couldn't help but smile at the world. I see rude, inconsiderate, greedy, angry, selfish behavior all day every day. And just when you think society's morals have all but disappeared (and if you know me you know how I feel about the subject), something like this happens and the good people come out of the woodwork. Refreshing, really.
It's so easy to get caught up in a world that no longer values selflessness, but maybe we should all make more of an effort to be kind. Do the little things. One kind act can lead to another.
an inspiring commercial
Disclaimer: This is in no way an endorsement for Liberty Mutual. I just love this ad campaign... every time they come on my TV my heart swells a little.
I'm off for a Christmas-y weekend in NYC! First timer here... excited to see Rockefeller Center, the big Christmas tree, maybe do a little ice-skating, and of course see Anna Key!
Remember, as my good friend Barbra once sang, "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." Let's prove her right. Have a weekend full of kindness.
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